
SunQest offers Finlandia saunas and Mr. Steam wet steam rooms. Check out their websites links below and contact us for pricing.




Sauna - A Healthy Ritual
Saunas are relatively new in the United States. Early Finnish and Swedish colonists made their own Saunas right from the start of this country but Sauna usage did not grow much beyond those immigrants until the late 1950's and '60's. Whether early Finns knew it or not they had discovered a very healthy ritual. Saunas were rediscovered in America for their relaxation and many health benefits.

The Benefits of a Sauna
The main benefit of Sauna is that it opens the pores and flushes out the body's toxins and impurities. It is the deepest cleaning bath in the world. The Sauna soothes and relaxes tired muscles, helps maintain clear, healthy skin, provides a cardiovascular workout, burns as many as 300 calories in a session, increases metabolic rate and improves circulation.

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